Friday, August 3, 2012

Nathan and I had the following conversation yesterday...

Nathan: Saws are just for wood aren't they?
Me: Yes
Nathan: They don't have saws for people do they?
Me: No!  ... Well I guess so, ... kind of ...  Doctors use knives sometimes.  Mommy's doctor used a knife to open my  tummy up and get Logan out.  Remember Mommy's tummy was sore when she came home from the hospital.
Nathan: Yes.  ( He begins holding his stomach, with a concerned look on his face, thinking everything through.)  BUT ... I don't have to get cut because I'm a boy!! My wife though, she will have too!

oh brother! My apologizes in advance to my future daughter-in-law!

not two seconds later I get the following question... How do animal babies come out?

Never a dull moment!

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