Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lime Cay Island

Today the boys were at a stand still on manure hauling because they were unable to find a u-joint that they needed for the PTO (customer service here leaves a lot to be desired). So Glen took us to Lime Cay Island. First we drove to Port Royal(it used to be the wickest city in the world) we drove by forts and say where Captin Morgan held his prisoners ect. Then we took a boat to the island. The water is SO CLEAR! It was really neat to see fish swimming ect. Nathan the whole time we were here we kept thinking how much you would like it and we wished you were here! We miss you so Much!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello from Jamacia!

Mommy & Daddy are in jamacia this week:

We miss you Nathan and can't wait to see you hope you are having fun with Grandpa & Grandma! These are the pictures of the hog buildings daddy is working at.