Friday, March 26, 2010

Bad Idea...

This afternoon I was helping Nathan put together his train track. I saw his nose was running so I asked him to go get some toilet paper to wipe it since the tissues were too high for him to reach. Bad idea... I should have know better, by the time I realized what had happed it was too late to do much about it, so we just went with it!


Erin J-K said...

Ben did the exact same thing the other day when I asked him to "grab a little bit of toilet paper for your nose." Must be a boy thing.

The Z Crew said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one! And that you guys are feeling better! What would we do without grandparents!

Karijane said...

Way to be flexible, mom! Sometimes...when you can't beat 'em, join 'em!