Friday, February 5, 2010

Jumpin Jacks

I took Nathan to Jumpin Jacks in Urbandale where he got to jump to he's hearts content! Neat place but still not as great as the playground for kids in Ankeny


Lynette said...

tell me about the neat playground in ankeny...where is it and what is it? enjoying the recent pics!

The Z Crew said...

Its called the playground, its on kind of behind the resturant chips in ankeny. Its pretty much a huge room with tons of inflatable activities. Jumping of course, slides, obstacle courses, & other playground equipment. It pretty cool. You can have birthday parties there too! I've taken Nate a few times, he has really enjoyed it and its a great place to run off energy from being cooped up all winter! How have you been feeling- you are in my thoughts & prayers for the safe arrival of your precious baby boy!